Sevilla Information
General Information about the city of Seville with tourist offices, lodging, University of Seville and language courses for foreign students. Consulates.
Security and Health in Seville. Personal Safety and information on police. Medical treatment. Emergency calls.
Banking and Currency with information about money exchange, banks and use of credit cards.
Communications in Seville: How to use telephones, sending letters, email in internet cafés. Print and TV.
Transport by plane, train, bus, taxi, horse carriage and rental car.
Entertainment with information about Semana Santa, Feria, flamenco, bullfighting, music and theatres, markets, sports and other activities in Seville.
General Information
Tourist Offices
The tourist offices (oficinas de turismo) in Seville offer free city-maps, brochures and flyers about sightseeing, cultural activities and places to stay. Books and brochures about special themes, edited by the Junta de Andalucia, are available for reasonable prices. Quality of personal attention can suffer under the large amount of visitors.
Tourist Offices run by the City Administration of Seville (Ayuntamiento):
· c/ Arjona, 28 | Tel: (+34) 902 194 897 - 954 221 714 - 954 229 942
· Plaza de San Francisco, 19 | Tel: (+34) 954 595 288
Tourist Offfices run by the Government of Andalusia (Junta de Andalucía):
· Avda. de la Constitución, 21 B | Tel: 954 221 404 / 954 218 157 | Fax: 954 229 753
· Seville Airport (Aeropuerto de Sevilla) | Tel: 954 449 128 | Fax: 954 449 129
· Santa Justa Train Station (Estación de Santa Justa) | Tel/Fax: 954 537 626
Service telephone 010 of Seville city administration:
· 010 (toll-free from Seville) (+34) 954 590 600 (International calls)
· with information on cultural activities and administration
· in Spanish, English, French and Italian language
· 8:00-22:00 hours operation
General Business Hours
Shops open between 9-10:00 hours in the morning and then close around 14:00 hours for lunch time. In the afternoon they open again at 17:00 hours and close around 21:00 hours (small shops often earlier). On Saturday many small shops open only in the morning.
Hours kept by Monuments and Museums can vary considerably. Check at the Monuments section.
Best climatic conditions to visiting Seville are in spring and late autumn. Summer is very hot (up to 45 °C); Winter can be rainy, with minimum temperature always above 5 °C at night. The good point of winter is, that you avoid the tourist crowds.
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Seville attracts large numbers of students. Many come to study at private language schools or at Seville University.
Private Language Schools
We recommend that any University student should attend a private language school before starting with University courses in October. At least 1-3 month, according to the individual knowledge. A short listing of language schools in Seville
· Linc · Giralda Center · Clic
Seville University
University of Seville | c/ San Fernando, 4 | 41004 Sevilla | Tel: 954 551 000
· ERASMUS scholarship office (located in the main building - Rectorado)
· AIESEC ...
The search for accommodation for foreign University students generally needs several days/weeks. Seville University does not provide centrical apartments of its own. Help to find one in the private market is provided at the University's
· Pabellón de Uruguay | Av. de Chile, s/n | Tel: 954 486 000 | Fax: 954 486 089
but attention: you will only receive address lists which you have to contact by yourself.
Many students find a room in a shared flat by searching the blackboards of the main building (rectorado). In the meantime you can stay at the
Seville Youth Hostel | c/ Isaac Peral, 2 | Tel: 954 613 150 | Fax: 954 613 158
or accommodate in an economical Pension/Hostel.
Private Room Service:;
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Alemania Avda. de La Palmera, 19
41013 Sevilla. Tel: 954 230 204
Fax: 954 239 552 Klaus-Hermann Ringwald
Cónsul General
Australia Federico Rubio, 14
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 220 971
Fax: 954 211 145
Austria Marqués de Paradas, 26
41001 Sevilla Tel: 954 222 162
Fax: 954 218 261
Bélgica Fabiola, 10
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 220 087
Fax: 954 560 786
Bolivia Avda. República Argentina, 22-A, 3º B
41011 Sevilla Tel: 954 277 788
Brasil Francisco Carrión Mejías, 4
41003 Sevilla Tel: 954 217 084
Fax: 954 215 747
Canadá Avda. de los Pinos, 34
41927 Mairena del Aljarafe (Sevilla) Tel/Fax: 954 768 828
Chile La Rábida, 3 (Pabellón de Chile)
41013 Sevilla Tel: 954 231 293
Fax: 954 236 853
Colombia Avda. de Moliní, 2 (Pabellón de Colombia)
41012 Sevilla Tel: 954 237 883
Fax: 954 235 930
Costa Rica San Fernando, 11
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 215 919
Fax: 954 216 932
Cuba Ronda de Capuchinos, 4, 1º
41003 Sevilla Tel/Fax: 954 417 706
Dinamarca Paseo de las Delicias, 5
41001 Sevilla Tel: 954 220 330
Fax: 954 220 339
Ecuador Benito Mas y Prat, Blq. 7, Bajo Dcha.
41005 Sevilla Tel: 954 570 619
Fax: 954 571 192
El Salvador Castelar, 5, Bajo
41001 Sevilla Tel: 954 229 210
Fax: 954 214 475
Estados Unidos Paseo de las Delicias, 7 (Pabellón de EE.UU.)
41012 Sevilla Tel: 954 231 885
Fax: 954 232 040
Filipinas Avda. República Argentina, 27-D, 2ª C
41011 Sevilla Tel: 954 281 771
Fax: 954 228 714
Finlandia Adriano, 45, 2ºB Tel: 954 225 079
Fax: 954 626 004
Francia Plaza de Santa Cruz, 1
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 222 896
Fax: 954 227 240
Gran Bretaña Plaza Nueva, 8, 2º Tel: 954 228 874
Fax: 954 210 323
Grecia Carretera de Carmona, 30
41008 Sevilla Tel: 954 419 000
Guatemala Avda. Kansas City, s/n (Ed. Pórtico, 4ºE) Tel: 954 573 542
Fax: 954 415 659
Honduras Camino de Alcarraites, s/n
41800 Sanlúcar la Mayor (Sevilla) Tel: 955 700 400
Fax: 955 700 375
Irlanda Plaza de Santa cruz, 6, Bajo A
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 216 361
Fax: 954 216 368
Islandia San Florencio, 4, 1ºA
41006 Sevilla Tel: 954 579 701
Fax: 954 578 838
Italia Fabiola, 10
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 228 576
Fax: 954 228 549
Liberia Madrid, 1, 4º
41001 Sevilla Tel: 954 229 132
Fax: 954 217 660
Luxemburgo Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, s/n
41007 Sevilla Tel: 954 284 821
Fax: 954 259 320
México San Roque, 6 Tel: 954 563 944
Fax: 954 563 827
Nicaragua Padre Damián, 8, 1º
41011 Sevilla Tel: 954 451 235
Fax: 954 451 575
Noruega Virgen de Regla, 21
41011 Sevilla Tel: 954 275 442
Fax: 954 284 426
Países Bajos Placentines, 1
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 228 750
Fax: 954 564 819
Panamá Virgen de Luján, 22, 3º A
41011 Sevilla Tel: 954 281 812
Fax: 954 280 755
Paraguay Cuna, 8
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 218 183
Fax: 954 563 705
Perú Avda. María Luisa, s/n (Pabellón de Perú)
41013 Sevilla Tel/Fax: 954 232 819
Portugal Avda. del Cid, 1 (Pabellón de Portugal)
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 231 150
Fax: 954 236 013
República Dominicana Lionel Carvallo, 2
41005 Sevilla Tel: 954 659 618
Suecia C/ Infante Don Carlos De Borbón nº 16 1ºA
41004 Sevilla Tel: 954 532 826
Fax: 954 531 739
Uruguay Imagen, 9, 3º Izq.
41003 Sevilla Tel: 954 215 921
Fax: 954 563 665
Venezuela Avda. Conquistadores, 22
41007 Sevilla Tel: 954 511 305